If you’ve ever thought about going global to meet your lifelong partner, probably, the idea to find a Russian bride or girlfriend came to your mind. But what should you know before you start meeting them? Are there any Russian women vs American women distinctions that you need to take into account to have a positive dating experience? In this article, you’ll find out everything about the Russian girls vs American girls comparison and see whether the former fit you.
Differences between American & Russian woman

Being aware of differences between Russian women vs American women is necessary to see whether you’re compatible for a potential relationship. If you have dated American women before, you know what they are like, what they expect from the relationship, and how to act with them to get what you want. Also, you’re aware of the dating culture in the US, so it feels natural to start relationships with local girls. Here are the differences between Russian women vs US women in terms of acquaintances and dating:
- American women make the first step while Russian girls usually don’t. This is the first thing that you notice in communication with Russian women characteristics compared to American girls: they may look interested in you if you meet offline but still won’t come up to you to get acquainted. Regardless of the situation when you see each other for the first time, e.g. in the company of friends, in a mall, or elsewhere, Russian women will wait for you to approach them and start a conversation. The same applies to online dating: Russian girls quite rarely are the first to interact with men’s profiles, text them, etc. Therefore, if you want to find Russian ladies for dating or marriage, you have to be ready to be the initiator of contact.
- American girls don’t expect men to pay for dates while Russian girls do. When it comes to a first date and seeing each other, American women usually don’t pay much attention to who’s paying for dinner. They’re used to splitting the bill especially if they invited a man for a date. As for Russian girls, they always expect men to pay for dinner, entertainment like a movie theater, etc. Splitting the bill isn’t common in Russia and for Russian females even when they travel to different countries.
- American women are okay with dating for years before the wedding while Russian women seek to create a family faster. If you’re dating an American woman, she’s likely to stay in a relationship with you for a few years before you start thinking about engagement. Russian girls will wait for you to propose to them a year or two after you start dating. It’s confirmed by the fact that the median age of American women entering their first marriage is 28.6 years old while Russians consider 24 years old to be the best age for females to get married.
- American women can have kids before getting married, which is not popular among Russian ladies. Looking at previous decades, it became known that 53% of women in the US gave birth to kids out of marriage. Such a situation is almost impossible in Russia where women seek to get married first and have kids after that. In general, Russian women and men consider marriage to be a prerequisite for having kids so having them out of marriage isn’t encouraged.
Cultural and mental differences
Here we’re going to take a closer look at the roots of differences Russian vs American women rising from distinct cultures and traditions they grew up in. It’ll help you understand why Russian women vs American women are more family-oriented and less interested in making careers.

Gender roles
In Russia, traditional gender roles are instilled from a young age. Growing up in a home of Russian parents means that a Russian girl or a boy sees their mother taking care of them, doing house chores, cooking for them, and a father, etc. Father is the one who earns money for the wife and kids and goes to work. An average Russian woman who grew up with a couple of siblings in such a surrounding, sees her role as a wife the same way as her mother and grandmother did: girls in Russian families are taught to cook and clean along with studying at school. Interestingly, despite becoming housewives after getting married, almost all Russian women are well-educated and could have made careers if they wanted. 98% of them have secondary education and 37% have a diploma in higher education which is 8% more than Russian men.
Career ladder
“Why do Russian girls so beautiful neglect their careers for the family?” is one of the most popular questions of American men and one of the key American vs Russian girls differences that you can notice. This comes from a historically patriarchal society where a woman’s role is considered to be fulfilled if she’s married and has kids rather than spending time making a career. Thus, choosing a job over kids and a husband is condemned in Russian society, however, in the last decade, this Russian women’s tradition started to shift slightly.
If we’re to compare Russian women to American girls, we’ll see that the latter are less interested in getting married than in their professional growth. Even those women who aren’t into their jobs in the US may not want to have kids: in 2010, one-in-five American women ended their childbearing years without kids compared to one-in-ten back in 1970. The same research demonstrated that the more educated a woman is, the higher the chances for her to refrain from having kids. This is because master’s and doctoral degrees along with working for top companies take a lot of time and effort that American women decide to prioritize them over relationships.
Therefore, there’s no surprise that Russian women and American men manage to start quite strong bonds lasting for years: both have a lot to offer to each other. Russian women are the best at taking on all the house duties and kids’ matters while American men earn more than Russian men and expect less from women.
Family values and benefits

As for the family values in the US and Russia, they’re also different. Below, you can see the values that an average American woman has vs those an average Russian woman believes in, as well as the benefits of both approaches.
American women
Depending on the type of values a certain American woman stands for, they can be divided into traditional and modern ones. The latter include the following set of things American females adhere to:
- Avoiding dating a few partners at a time as other women do;
- Refraining from casual dating and premarital sex;
- Condemning marital infidelity;
- Refraining from abortion;
- Aiming at spending a lifetime with one partner and having kids together.
The mentioned principles are especially popular among spiritual American ladies. The principles of those who aren’t close to the church and prefer living a more liberal lifestyle are different. Such American girls believe that:
- Dating a few people before marriage is okay, however, loyalty is still necessary for building a relationship;
- Premarital sex is a condition for happy family life as they have a chance to make sure that their partners have the same sexual temper;
- The right to an abortion is necessary for women’s health and freedom;
- It’s okay to get married when in love and to get divorced if relationships don’t bring happiness anymore.
As you can see, American family values differ depending on whether a certain woman is religious and whether she was raised with strict family customs or liberal ones. The benefits of both are obvious: in the first case, a man gets a humble wife who will put loyalty and commitment on top of their priorities in marriage while in the second one, the American wife will give more freedom to her partner and therefore, you’ll have more chances of going through relationship crises easier.
Russian women
Now to draw a comparison between Russian women vs American women, let’s take a look at the family values of Russian women. Russian dating culture is different from the American one just like the Russian mentality isn’t the same as the American mentality. Here’s how Russian personality sees relationships and family ties:
- Long-term dating is a prerequisite to a marriage with a Russian woman;
- Russian women and men have to be loyal to each other both while dating and after the wedding;
- The wife has to follow the husband’s will regardless of her financial input in the family budget;
- A Russian girl has to put the good of her children and husband first instead of her own desires;
- Family is considered incomplete without kids, and therefore, abortions in marriages are severely condemned.
If you compare the attitude that American ladies have toward their husbands vs that of many Russian women, it’d also be different. Regardless of whether an American woman believes in traditional or modern values, they’ll perceive their husband as an equal partner who has to put the same effort into relationships and family matters as a wife. On the contrary, foreign women from Russia always consider a man as a superior partner who has to take more responsibility for the wife and kids than a woman. Also, Russian culture expects men to invest in their girlfriends during dating while there’s nothing like this in American culture. At this point, it could be said family life is less beneficial for Russian singles than for American brides.
Who is better: American vs Russian girl?

Now, let’s see what Russian ladies vs American women final comparison for relationships is like. Below, the key differences between them are outlined for you to make the decision regarding a Russian bride to marry:
- American vs Russian girls difference in first contact is that the latter are less ready to come up and have a small talk with you than the former. Russian brides will wait for you to text them, express your desire to ask them out on a date, etc.
- Russian women vs US women difference in attitude towards intimacy before marriage isn’t drastic unless we compare very strict religious ladies to the easy ones. Both modern American females and Russian ladies are okay with having sex before marriage.
- Courtship isn’t that important for American ladies. These girls don’t mind paying for themselves on dates or inviting men on dates and paying for them as well. A Russian woman won’t date men who look for splitting the bill.
- The difference between Russian and American women in terms of having kids and raising them is that Russian ladies prefer having them in marriage and put a lot of personal effort into nursing them while American ladies may have kids with their boyfriends and expect them to equally contribute to raising them. A Russian woman is more selfless when it comes to kids.
- Finally, American vs Russian women comparison in terms of commitment to their partner is the following: Russian women culture implies they’re ready to live life with one partner and are likely to avoid divorce at all costs even in abuse while American women prefer personal happiness and comfort over living in relationships that don’t bring joy anymore. Therefore, you have a higher chance of divorce with an American girl than with a Russian woman of a different mentality.
As you might have guessed, choosing a Russian girlfriend over a woman brought up in American culture is beneficial if you’re looking for a traditional family. However, the language barrier, different mentality, and the lack of understanding of the peculiarities of Western and Slavic society may cause difficulties in the beginning stage of dating a Russian woman. Still, it’s up to you to decide what kind of bond you want to have and how much effort you’re ready to put into it.